Wednesday, September 02, 2009

beauty will be convulsive

"It has been assumed, tacitly and avowedly, directly and indirectly, that the ultimate object of all Poetry is Truth. Every poem, it is said, should inculcate a moral; and by this moral is the poetical merit of the work to be adjudged. We Americans especially have patronized this happy idea; and we Bostonians, very especially, have developed it in full. We have taken it into our heads that to write a poem simply for the poem's sake, and to acknowledge such to have been our design, would be to confess ourselves radically wanting in the true poetic dignity and force: — but the simple fact is, that, would we but permit ourselves to look into our own souls we should immediately there discover that under the sun there neither exists nor can exist any work more thoroughly dignified — more supremely noble than this very poem — this poem per se — this poem which is a poem and nothing more — this poem written solely for the poem's sake."


Lyric aka Lyrical God


Ronald Kurniawan
graduated with honors from Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, CA:


Images from Carlos Jiménez Cahua's "Lima" series:



Besides doing Sonic Youth, Thurston Moore also does collage:


"When asked during an interview what he believed art to be, Baudrillard responded that it had fallen from a form into a value, and that all values, aesthetic or commercial, can be negotiated, bought and sold, exchanged: "something has fallen apart, perhaps through the sole effect of repetition" (2005:63). As he later says, "there is too much of too much" (Ibid.:85)."

"Against a Perpetuating Fiction: Disentangling Art from Hyperreality"
Garen J. Torikian


Molly Smith lives in New York:


a short film by Michael Karo
[from the experimental literary journal LIES/ISLE]


Boru O'Brien O'Connell is a graduate of the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston and is currently based in upstate New York:


Sigga Björg Sigurdardottir
lives and works in Glasgow and Reykjavik:


Unofficial video of Clinic's "Tomorrow" remixed by DFA


Images from Dara Friedman's 32 minute silent DVD "Romance" (2001):


Like Odysseus under the ram
you have clung under your lovers
and under your love of lust,
seeing nothing else for this mist,
dark of heart, dark of mind.

The Poetry of Archilochos (ca. 625 B.C.)
from Carmina Archilochi, 77te Fragments Archilochos
trans. Guy Davenport


"Catalan" is a short film/music collaboration between Derek Jarman, Genesis P-Orridge and Jordi Valls


Gordon Terry lives and works Brooklyn, NY:


"To be heard is to have a price. Remember the musician that did not compromise with the record label executives on how his songs should sound? No. You did not hear him because he did not get signed."

"Saudi Arabia Does Not Exist"
Kusha Sefat



Japanese artist Tomoo Gokita:



Pablo Tanguay

They stay at home. They carve
from plastic foam the os and as and glue
them to the ls the Lolas make the Lola
Moms carve before they leave for work. They paint
the Lolas pink, and ask the Lolas where
the Lolas want their Lolas hung. The Lolas
traipse about the house, and point to barren,
Lola-less space. They hang the Lolas there.

...[excerpt from Cream City Review]


Rob Voerman
was born in Deventer (The Netherlands), and now lives and works in Arnhem:



Sage Vaughn was born in Jackson, Oregon, and now lives and works in Los Angeles:


"The anxious expectation that nothing will happen, that capitalism will go on indefinitely, the desperate demand to do something, to revolutionize capitalism, is a fake. The will to revolutionary change emerges as an urge, as an "I cannot do it otherwise," or it is worthless. With regard to Bernard Williams's distinction between Ought and Must, an authentic revolution is by definition performed as a Must - it is not something we "ought to do" as an ideal we are striving for, but something we cannot but to, since we cannot do it otherwise. Which is why today's worry of the Leftists that revolution will not occur, that global capitalism will just go on indefinitely, is false insofar as it turns revolution into a moral obligation, into something we ought to do while we fight the inertia of the capitalist present."

"The Obscenity of Human Rights: Violence as Symptom"
Slavoj Žižek

[thanks Tim]


Photographer Diana Diriwaechter currently lives and works in New York: